NEW CRITICISM (i.e., Anglo-American Formalism; 1920's-present?!)
close reading
organic whole / (organic) unity [Coleridge]
ambiguity / irony / paradox [Brooks] / tension
reconciliation of opposites [Coleridge]
objective correlative [T. S. Eliot]
I. A. RICHARDS: Principles of Literary Criticism (1924)
William EMPSON: Seven Types of Ambiguity (1930)
John Crowe RANSOM: The New Criticism (1941)
ontological object (aka "autotelic artifact")
Cleanth BROOKS: Understanding Poetry (1938; w/ Robert Penn Warren); The Well-Wrought Urn (1947)
heresy of paraphrase
W. K. WIMSATT and Monroe BEARDSLEY: The Verbal Icon (1954)
intentional fallacy
affective fallacy
figures of speech (metaphor, symbol, etc.)
Sigmund FREUD: The Interpretation of Dreams (1899); Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis (1917); New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis (1933)
topographic models of the psyche
(ego) consciousness / the preconscious / the unconscious