[Most created w/ on a Mac Powerbook]

(All bird photos by TCG)

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Children can be so demanding (photo taken near Al's Oasis, across the river from Chamberlain, SD). . . .

The Barn Swallow mother's de rigeur reply . . .

(Photo taken just after sunrise at Canyon Lake, Rapid City, SD: Turkey Vultures dry their wings in the sun in the morning before taking flight. . . .)

An ornery-looking Cattle Egret (my projection, of course!?) at Lincoln (NE)'s Folsom Children's Zoo . . .

(photo taken from my Lincoln, NE, apartment; "oh, those Blue Jays have such a 'tude!" . . .)

The rather disgruntled Bald Eagle (or so I imagine) at Lincoln (NE)'s Folsom Children's Zoo . . .

This archetypal exchange between an American Robin and child took place outside Andrews Hall at UNL. . . .

An angst-ridden sketch from circa 1990 (my 1st wife drew at least my head, if I recall; the bad guitar had to be my own botched effort) . . .

(originally made for my "Great Indian Moments in Pop Culture" pages; pace, Geico . . .)

(My version of the rather famous t-shirt/poster design, originally w/ a gun-toting Geronimo and his men; I think Sitting Bull is a better choice. . . .)

(photo taken outside the Great Plains Art Museum in Lincoln, NE . . .)

My (blonde) daughter Emma dyes her hair. . . .

(photo taken at the Chateau [bar & lounge], Yankton, SD . . .)

(Hey, I only sang during the 4th & 5th sets, when the patrons were too tuned up to notice. . . .)

("John & Martha 3"--from a series of vulture "character sketches" based on photos taken at Canyon Lake, Rapid City, SD)

("John & Martha 1"--Obviously, I tried to make Martha the biting, sardonic one; John is fairly naïve & clueless. . . .)

"John and Martha 2" (based, of course, on the famous New Yorker cartoon: "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog") . . .

"John and Martha 5"

("John & Martha 6"--rather an obscure joke now; from when the Michael Vick dog-fight-betting scandal was big, and I imagined, "What if other species bet on us?" . . .)

("John & Martha 4": The 2008 presidential primary campaign had begun (in 2007); and yes, I had just quit smoking. Also, John is eventually developed as not only naïve, but a victim of conservative talk radio . . .)


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Created: 6/7/08
Last Revised: 12/7/12

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