NativeAuthors.com --defunct
INTERNET PUBLIC LIBRARY: Native American Authors Project
--especially author bibliographies
Native American Authors Project: Index by Author
Native American Authors Project: Index by Book Title
WWW Virtual Library--American Indians
--"Index of Native American Book Resources on the Internet"; with extensive author links
(hanksville.org/Karen M. Strom)
STORYTELLERS: Native American Authors Online
(now part of NativeWiki)
--"North American women writers of color" (U of Minnesota)
Voices from the Gaps: Artist Biographies
--browse by name
Voices from the Gaps: Native American
--index of Native American entries
Native Americans--Internet Resources
--links page (Internet School Library Media Center)
Native Americans--Teacher Resources
--including author links
VOICE OF THE SHUTTLE: Minority Literatures--Native American/American Indian
--copious links
--book reviews, etc. (Paula Giese/kstrom.net)
Native American Literature Chronology to 1969
(Miriam Schacht)
Weaving Webs Timeline
--"of Selected Native American Literary Texts" & "Historical Events" (Transcriptions Project)
Western American Indian Writers, 1854-1960
--literary-history essay, from Ridge & Winnemucca to McNickle &
Ella Deloria (A. LaVonne Brown Ruoff)
"Place and Vision"
--essay on "place" in Momaday's House Made of Dawn, Silko's Ceremony, and Welch's
Death of Jim Loney (Robert M. Nelson)
Fort Laramie Treaty, 1868
--complete text and list of signers thereof (Avalon Project/Yale Law School)
Wovoka: The Messiah Letter, 1891
--complete text (PBS: The West)
The Ghost Dance Movement
--by--uh--"Ghost Dancer"
The Legacy of Wounded Knee
--thorough set of articles on AIM's 1973 insurrection (originally Argus Leader [defunct];
now archived at Manataka)
"Indian" Sports Mascots and Logos: Looking Forward to Their History
--fine summary of the controversy
(David Anthony Tyeeme Clark); defunct, unfortunately . . . but do a Google search of the title: he may have put
this excellent resource back up "elsewhere"
NASCA Newsletter (Spring/Summer 2009) (.pdf file)
--poems and prose by inmate/members of the Native American Spiritual & Cultural Awareness group at NSP
NOTE also the following (LITERARY) JOURNALS--
SAIL (Studies in American Literature) Home Page
SAIL Search Engine
--the online version of the journal Studies in American Indian Literatures
Wicazo Sa Review: Journal of Native American Studies
--the online version of the journal
American Indian Quarterly
--the online version of the journal


SAMSON OCCOM ([or] Occum) (1723-1792)::::{Mohegan}
Characteristic Work(s):
A Sermon Preached at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian . . . (1772) |
Samson Occum, 1723-1792
--brief bio, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Samson Occom or Occum (1723-1792)
--pict, links, bibliography (Donna Campbell)
Samson Occum, 1723-1792
--pict & other info, including study questions (Paul P. Reuben/Perspectives in American Literature)
Samson Occom
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct


WILLIAM APESS (1798-1839)::::{Pequot}
Characteristic Work(s):
A Son of the Forest (1829; autobiography) |
William Apess
--bio, bibliography (NativeWiki)
William Apess, 1798-1839
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
William Apess
--pict, substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

GEORGE COPWAY (Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh) (1818-1869[?])::::{Ojibwe [aka Chippewa; Anishinaabe]}
Characteristic Work(s): The Life, History, and Travels, of Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh (George Copway), a Young Indian Chief of the
Ojebwa Nation . . . (1847; autobiography) |
George Copway
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
George Copway (Kahgegagahhowh [Stands Fast]), 1818-1863
--brief bio, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
George Copway (Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh); Ojibwe; (1818-1869)
--primary & secondary bibliography
(Paul P. Reuben/Perspectives in American Literature)
George Copway
--pict, substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

JOHN ROLLIN RIDGE (Yellow Bird) (1827-1867)::::{Cherokee}
Characteristic Work(s): The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murieta, the Celebrated California
Bandit (1854; novel) |
John Rollin Ridge
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
John Rollin Ridge (Yellow Bird/Cheesquatalawny), 1827-1867
--brief bio, bib entry (Native American Authors Project)
John Rollin Ridge
--pict, substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

SIMON POKAGON (1830-1899)::::{Potawatomi}
Characteristic Work(s): "The Red Man's Rebuke" (1893; essay); O-gi-maw-kwe Mit-i-gwa-ki (Queen of the Woods) (1899; novel) |
Simon Pokagon
--bio, links (NativeWiki)
Simon Pokagon, 1830-1899
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Chief Simon Pokagon: 'Longfellow Of His Race'
--longer biography (A Pictoral History of Hartford, Michigan)
"The Future of the Red Man"'
--text of essay (U of Virginia Library)

SARAH WINNEMUCCA (HOPKINS) (1841[?]-1891)::::{Northern Paiute} 
Characteristic Work(s): Life
Among the Paiutes: Their Wrongs and Claims (1883; autobiography) |
Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins (Thocmetony, "Shell Flower")
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Sarah Winnemucca
--picts, bio, links (NativeWiki)
Sarah Winnemucca (Thocmetony (Shell flower)), 1844-1891
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Sarah Winnemucca
--pict, substantial bio (University of Nevada, Reno)
Sarah Winnemucca
--pict, bio, some quots. (Legendary Women with Causes)--defunct

FRANCIS LA FLESCHE (Zhogaxe) (1857-1932)::::{Omaha/Ponca}
Characteristic Work(s): The
Middle Five: Indian Schoolboys of the Omaha Tribe (1900; autobiography); The Osage Tribe (1921; anthropology) |
Francis La Flesche
--pict, bio, links (NativeWiki)
Francis La Flesche (Zhogaxe), 1857-1932
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Francis La Flesche: American Indian Scholar
--biographical article, with picts (Library of Congress)
Omaha Indian Music
--collected by La Flesche, including audio (Library of Congress)
Francis La Flesche
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

CHARLES A. EASTMAN (Ohiyesha) ("oh-HEE-yay-shah") (1858-1939)::::{Santee Sioux [Dakota]} 
Characteristic Work(s): Indian Boyhood (1902; autobiography); Old Indian Days (1907; folklore); The Soul of the Indian (1911; nonfiction) |
Charles Eastman
--pict, bio, links (NativeWiki)
Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa), 1858-1939
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Dr. Charles A. Eastman
--substantial biography (Paula Giese/kstrom.net)
Indian Boyhood
--text (U of Virginia Library)
The Soul of the Indian
--text (U of Virginia Library)
Charles A. Eastman
--pict, substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

(EMILY) PAULINE JOHNSON (1861-1913)::::{Mohawk}
Characteristic Work(s):
The White Wampum (1895; poetry); The Moccasin Maker (1913; short stories) |
Emily Pauline Johnson
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Emily Pauline Johnson
--picts, bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Emily Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake), 1861-1913
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Emily Pauline Johnson
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

NICHOLAS BLACK ELK (Hehaka Sapa) ("hay-HAH-kah sah-pah") (1863-1950)::::{Oglala Lakota} 
Characteristic Work(s):
Black Elk Speaks (1932; autobiography; with John Neihardt) |
Black Elk
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Black Elk, 1863-1950
--brief bio, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Black Elk (1863-1950); also known as Hehaka Sapa and Nicholas Black Elk
--pict, critical bibliography, study questions for
Black Elk Speaks (Paul P. Reuben/Perspectives in American Literature)
Black Elk--Study the Source: Black Elk Speaks
--background info, "study guide" to the book (C-SPAN American Writers)
"The Two Masks of Nicholas Black Elk" (Bruce A. Peterson)
--essay on Black Elk's religious syncretism
Black Elk Speaks: TCG's Class Notes (Outline/Commentary)
--In part to make up for all the dead links here, I've made a
down-and-dirty version of my rather extensive web notes/commentary to the book from a few years back. (In fact and sorry,
but I didn't even delete the class dates.) Includes some photos/scans and some "essential" background info in tabular form.
(Oh, pardon, too, my sometime colloquial irreverence in these notes: but my students get used to it soon enough. . . .
Black Elk's World
--incl. electronic text of Black Elk Speaks (U of Nebraska Press)--(very sadly) defunct
Forward to Black Elk Speaks
--by Vine Deloria, Jr.--defunct
Black Elk Speaks
--now available at First People (Paul Burke)
Nicholas Black Elk
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct
Black Elk
--pict, brief bio, quots. from Black Elk Speaks (ritzlore.net)--defunct

S. ALICE CALLAHAN (1868-1894)::::{Muskoke [aka Creek]}
Characteristic Work(s):
Wynema: A Child of the Forest (1891; novel) |
S. Alice Callahan, 1868-1894
--brief bio, bib entry (Native American Authors Project)
"An Introduction to Wynema, A Child of the Forest"
--Annette Van Dyke, in SAIL (with excerpts from novel)

LUTHER STANDING BEAR (Mato Najin) ("mah-TOH NAH-jee[n]") (1868[?]-1939)::::{Oglala [or Sicangu] Lakota} 
Characteristic Work(s):
nonfiction/autobiography: My People, the Sioux (1928); My Indian Boyhood (1931); Land of the Spotted Eagle (1933) |
Luther Standing Bear (Ota Kte, Mochunozhin), 1868-1939
--brief bio, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Luther Standing Bear
--excerpts/quots. (indigenouspeople.net)
Luther Standing Bear
--another quots. page, plus picts (Red Hawk's Lodge/siouxme.com)
The words of the early American Indian about nature
--quots. from Standing Bear (plus Geronimo and Black Elk) (VCU)
"Chief Standing Bear, Likens Scalping to Modern Day Trophy"
--fascinating 1928 article (Voices from the Western Frontier)
Standing Bear, Luther
--substantial biography (Encyclopedia of North American Indians)--defunct (or at least no longer "free")

ALEXANDER POSEY (1873-1908)::::{Muskoke}
Characteristic Work(s): poetry |
Alexander Lawrence Posey
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Alexander Lawrence Posey, 1873-1908
--brief bio, bib entry (Native American Authors Project)
Posey, Alexander Lawrence (1873-1908)
--bio (Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History & Culture)
Alexander Lawrence Posey
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

JOHN MILTON OSKISON (1874-1947)::::{Cherokee}
Characteristic Work(s): novels: Wild Harvest (1925); Black Jack Davy (1926); Brothers Three (1935); The Singing Bird (2007) |
John Milton Oskison
--bio, bibliography, extensive links (NativeWiki)
John Milton Oskison, 1874-1947
--brief bio, links bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"The Problem of Old Harjo"
--text of short story (U of Virginia Library)

ZITKALA-ShA (Red Bird) (Getrude Simmons Bonnin)
(pronounced "zee[n]t-KHAH-lah SHAH") (1876-1938):::: {Yankton Sioux (Nakota)}
Characteristic Work(s): Old Indian Legends (1901; folklore); American Indian Stories (1921; biographical essays) |
Gertrude Simmons Bonnin (Zitkala-Sa)
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Zitkala Sa, 1876-1938
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Images of Zitkala-Sa
--Catherine Lavender (CUNY)
Gertrude Bonnin--Zitkala Sha--Yankton Nakota
--biography (Paula Giese/kstrom.net)
Zitkala Sa--A Biography
--w/ picts (Roseanne Hoefel/Bucknell)
Gertrude Simmons Bonnin (Zitkala Sa) (1876-1938)
--links, including to works online (Donna Campbell/Gonzaga)
Zitkala-Sa (aka Gertrude Simmons) at Carlisle
--incl. original Carlisle "newsletter" references to Zitkala-Sa (Landis)
Gertrude Bonnin (Zitkala-Sa) (Sioux) (1876-1938)
--teaching strategies (Kristin Herzog/Heath Anthology Instructor Resources)
Old Indian Legends
--etext of her book (U of Virginia Library)
American Indian Stories
--etext of her book (upenn.edu)
"Why I Am a Pagan"
--text of her 1902 essay (U of Virginia Library)
"From New Woman to Sioux Wife: Zitkala-Sa Goes Home to Marry"
--essay by Susan Rose Dominguez (.pdf file)--defunct

WILL ROGERS (1879-1935)::::{Cherokee}
Characteristic Work(s): Autobiography (1949) |
Will Rogers
--picts, bio, filmography, links (NativeWiki)
Will Rogers--The Cherokee Kid
--(rather fluffy) biography (All Things Cherokee)

MOURNING DOVE (Humishuma) (Christine Quintasket) (1885[?]-1936)::::{Okanagan/Colville}
Characteristic Work(s):
Cogewea, the Half-Blood (1927; novel); Coyote Stories (1933; folklore) |
Mourning Dove (Christine Quintasket)
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Mourning Dove (Hum-ishu-ma), 1888-1936
--bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Mourning Dove (Okanogan) (1888-1936)
--teaching strategies (Kristin Herzog/Heath Anthology Instructor Resources)
Mourning Dove
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct
Coyote Stories
--excerpts from Mourning Dove's book of the same name (headmap.org)--defunct

ELLA (CARA) DELORIA (1888[?]-1971)::::{Yankton Sioux (Nakota)}
Characteristic Work(s):
Dakota Texts (1932; folklore); Speaking of Indians (1944; nonfiction);
Waterlily (1944 [p.1988]; novel) |
Ella Cara Deloria
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Ella Cara Deloria
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Ella Cara Deloria, 1889-1971
links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Ella Cara Deloria
--pict, bio, map, links, bibliography (Celebration of Women Anthropologists [U of S Florida])
Ella Cara Deloria
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct
Ella Cara Deloria
--pict, bio (Kid's Castle)--defunct

JOHN JOSEPH MATHEWS (1894-1979)::::{Osage}
Characteristic Work(s):
Sundown (1934; novel); Wah'Kon-Tah (1932; historical novel); Talking to the Moon (1945; naturist nonfiction) |
John Joseph Mathews
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
John Joseph Mathews, 1894-1979
--brief bio, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
[review of reissue of] Wah'Kon-Tah
--Terry P. Wilson, in SAIL
John Joseph Mathews (Osage) (1894-1979)
--teaching strategies (Andrew O. Wiget/Heath Anthology Instructor Resources)
John Joseph Mathews
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

(ROLLIE) LYNN RIGGS (1899-1954)::::{Cherokee}
Characteristic Work(s):
Green Grow the Lilacs (1931; drama) |
Lynn Riggs
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Lynn Riggs, 1899-1954
--brief bio, link, bib entry (Native American Authors Project)
Riggs, Rollie Lynn (1899-1954)
--bio and bibliography (Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History & Culture)

(GEORGE) TODD DOWNING (1902-1974)::::{Choctaw}
Characteristic Work(s):
mystery novels (e.g., The Cat Screams [1934], Night Over Mexico [1937]) |
Downing, George Todd (1902-1974)
--bio and bibliography (Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History & Culture)
Mystery novels to Choctaw Pageant: Todd Downing and native American literature(s)
--essay by Wolfgang Hochbruck Sonderdrucke aus der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) (.pdf file)

JOHN LAME DEER (John Fire) (Tahcha Hushte) ("TAHK-chah [h]ooh-SHTAY") (1903[?]-1976)::::{Mniconjou Lakota} 
Characteristic Work(s):
Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions (1972; autobiography; with Richard Erdoes) |
John (Fire) Lame Deer, 1903-1976
--brief bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions
--treatment of the book from a postcolonialist view
(Colonial & Postcolonial Literary Dialogues [W Michigan U])
Lame Deer--Seeker of Visions
--quots. from Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions (Head Heritage)
White Buffalo Calf Woman Brings The First Pipe--As told by: John Fire Lame Deer, in 1967
--Arvol Looking Horse (Paula Giese/kstrom.net)
Lame Deer, John Fire
--substantial bio (American National Biography Online)--defunct (or at least no longer "free")

D'ARCY McNICKLE (1904-1977)::::{Cree/Kootenai}
Characteristic Work(s):
Native American Tribalism: Indian Renewals and Survivals (1973; nonfiction); The Hawk Is Hungry and Other Stories
(1992; short stories); novels: The Surrounded (1936); Runner in the Sun (1954); Wind from an Enemy Sky (1978) |
D'Arcy McNickle
--bio, bibliography (incl. extentensive 2ndary sources), links (NativeWiki)
D'Arcy William McNickle, 1904-1977
--brief bio, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
D'Arcy McNickle (1904-1977)
--teaching strategies (John Lloyd Purdy/Heath Anthology Instructor Resources)
D'Arcy William McNickle
--pict, substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct
Biography of D'Arcy McNickle
(Newberry Library/McNickle Center)--defunct (go figure)

THOMAS S. WHITECLOUD (1914-1972)::::{Ojibwe}
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry (e.g., "An Indian's Prayer"); short stories; "Blue Winds Dancing" (essay, 1938) |
Thomas S. Whitecloud, 1914-1972
--link to poem, bib entry (Native American Authors Project)
Thomas S. Whitecloud (Chippewa)
--bio, links (Daniel F. Littlefield, Jr./Heath Anthology Authors Page)
"Blue Winds Dancing" (by Tom Whitecloud)
--text of oft-anthologized essay (or short story, if you will;
BTW, the reader comments are a hoot!)
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html) [NOTE: I've subsequently
determined that the writer of this poem may well
not be the fellow above, author of "Blue Winds Dancing." But, being able to discover next to nothing about the second
"Tom Whitecloud," I leave the link/poem here.]
"An Indian's Prayer"
--text of poem (AAIP)--defunct


LOUIS (Little Coon) OLIVER (1904-1991)::::{Muskoke/Yuchi}
Characteristic Work(s):
Caught in a Willow Net (1983; poetry) |
Oklahoma Author: Louis (Little Coon) Oliver
--pict, brief bio, bibliography (Storytellers)
"I Do Not Waste What Is Wild . . . Louis (Little Coon) Oliver"
--Maurice Kenny's tribute to Oliver
(and Harjo's elegy for Oliver, "Fishing") (Storytellers)
Louis (Little Coon) Oliver
--bio, bibliography (NativeWiki)
Louis Oliver (Little Coon), 1904-1991
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)

MARY TALL MOUNTAIN (1918-1994)::::{Koyukon Athabascan}
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry: There Is No Word for Goodbye (1981); Listen to the Night: Poems for the Animal Spirits of Mother Earth (1995)
Mary Tall Mountain, 1918-1994
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Mary Tall Mountain
--pict, brief bio, (dead) link (Nancy G. Patterson)

NORMAN H. RUSSELL (1921-)::::{Cherokee}
Characteristic Work(s):
Indian Thoughts: My Journey (1980; poetry) |
—links?—WHAT links?!—yet one of the first Native poets I enjoyed, back in the 1970's . . .
Norman Hudson Russell (1921-)
(Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation[!])
"anna wauneka comes to my hogan"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)

RALPH SALISBURY (1924-)::::{Cherokee}
Characteristic Work(s): poetry: Pointing at the Rainbow (1980); Rainbows of Stone (2000); short stories: One Indian and Two Chiefs (1993); The Last Rattlesnake Throw and Other Stories (1998) |
Ralph Salisbury: poet/professor/fiction writer
--his official web site
Ralph Salisbury
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Ralph Salisbury, 1924-
--brief bio, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)

DALLAS CHIEF EAGLE (1925-1980)::::{Lakota}
Characteristic Work(s): Winter Count (1967; novel) |
Winter Count by Dallas Chief Eagle
--review of novel (Indian Country Today)

CARROLL ARNETT (1927-1997)::::{Cherokee}
Characteristic Work(s): poetry |
Carroll Arnett (Gogisgi), 1927-1997
--brief bio, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Gogisgi/Carroll Arnett
--brief bio (in French), several poems--with French translations! (Sur le Dos de la Tortue)

NORA MARKS DAUENHAUER (1927-)::::{Tlingit}
Characteristic Work(s):
Droning Shaman (1988; poetry, translations) |
Nora Marks Dauenhauer
--bio, bibliography (NativeWiki)
Nora Marks Dauenhauer (Keixwenei), 1927-
--bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Nora Marks Dauenhauer
--pict, links, incl. seminar transcript (1992 Poetics and Politics Series [U of Arizona])
"How to Make Good Baked Salmon from the River"
--text (and vid) of one of my favorite poems (Poetics and Politics)
"'Listen for Sounds': An Introduction to Alaska Native Poets Nora Marks Dauenhauer, Fred Bigjim, and Robert Davis"
(The Northern Review, Summer 1993)
"A Poem for Jim Nagataak'w (Jakwteen) My Grandfather,
Blind and Nearly Deaf" --text of poem (worldofpoetry.org)

MAURICE KENNY (1929-)::::{Mohawk} 
Characteristic Work(s):
Backward to Forward: Prose Pieces (1997; essays); Rain and Other Fictions (1986; short stories);
poetry: The Smell of Slaughter (1982);
The Mama Poems (1984); Is Summer This Bear (1985); Between Two Rivers (1987);
On Second Thought (1995); In the Time of the Present (2000) |
Maurice Kenny
--pict, bio, bibliography, extensive links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
"Greyhounding to Billings, Montana"
--text of poem (Storytellers)
"I Do Not Waste What Is Wild . . . Louis (Little Coon) Oliver"
--Maurice Kenny's tribute to Oliver
(and Harjo's elegy for Oliver, "Fishing") (Storytellers)
Maurice Kenny, 1929-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Kenny, Maurice (b. 1929)
--biography from a gay perspective (glbtq.com)
"wild turkey in massena, n.y."
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)

ELIZABETH COOK-LYNN (1930-)::::{Dakota}
--I met her!
Characteristic Work(s):
Then Badger Said This (1977; poems & stories); Aurelia: A Crow Creek Trilogy (1999; novellas); nonfiction: Why I Can't Read Wallace Stegner and Other Essays (1996); Anti-Indianism in Modern America: A Voice from Tatekeya's Earth (2001) |
Elizabeth Cook-Lynn
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, & links (Voices from the Gaps)
Elizabeth Cook-Lynn
--pict, bio, bibliography, extensive links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
Elizabeth Cook-Lynn, 1930-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Elizabeth Cook-Lynn
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

OREN LYONS (1930-)::::{Onondaga Iroquois}
Characteristic Work(s):
"I See No Seat For The Eagles. . . ." (1992; speech); Dog Story (1973; children's fiction) |
Oren Lyons, 1930-
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Chief Oren Lyons
--pict, substantial bio, links (Reinhard Ponty [fraktali.travity.de])
Chief Oren Lyons' December 1992 address to the United Nations
--text of speech (Reinhard Ponty)

CARTER REVARD (1931-)::::{Osage/Ponca}
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry: Ponca War Dancers (1980); An Eagle Nation (1993); Winning the Dust Bowl (2001) |
Carter Revard
--picts, bio, bibliography, extensive links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
"Over By Fairfax, Leaving Tracks "
--text of poem (Storytellers)
Carter Revard (Nompehwahteh), 1931-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
The Salt Companion to Carter Revard
--pict of Revard, review of and excerpts from Arnold's book (Salt Publishing)
Carter Revard
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct
Profile: Carter Revard
--pict, bio (indigenations.com)--defunct

JIM BARNES (1933-)::::{Choctaw}
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry: The American Book of the Dead (1982); A Season of Loss (1985); La Plata Cantata (1989);
The Sawdust War (1992) |
Jim Barnes
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
Jim Barnes, 1933-
--a few links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Jim Barnes
--pict, bio, and several poems (thehypertexts.com)
"The Good Dark"
--text of poem (Verse Daily)

VINE DELORIA, JR. (1933-2005)::::{Yankton Sioux (Nakota)/Santee Sioux (Dakota)/Hunkpapa Lakota} 
Characteristic Work(s):
nonfiction (cultural criticism)--Custer Died for Your Sins (1969); God is Red (1973);
For This Land: Writings on Religion in America (1998) |
A Conversation With Vine Deloria, Jr.
--29-minute video (& transcript) of a young Vine Deloria
(Words & Place--Larry Evers/U of Arizona)
Vine Deloria, Jr.
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Vine Deloria Jr., 1933-
--bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Vine Deloria Jr.
--picts, brief bio (indigenouspeople.net)
"Vine Deloria Jr., giant in Indian Country, dies at 72"
--obituary, w/ lots of links (indianz.com)
TCG: Deloria's Cultural Binaries
--In part to make up for all the dead links here, I've made a down-and-dirty version
of a tabular outline of Deloria's "Great Binary" (as I call it) that I made for students a few years back. . . .
Book review: C.G. Jung and the Sioux Traditions: Dreams, Visions, Nature, and the Primitive
--my review of VD's last book (TCG [.pdf file])
Vine Deloria, Jr.
--pict, substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct
Vine Deloria
--bio and thorough bibliography (Worlds of Thought [Mankato State])--defunct
Forward to Black Elk Speaks
--by Vine Deloria, Jr.--defunct

VIRGINIA DRIVING HAWK SNEVE (pronounced "SNAY-vee") (1933-)::::{Lakota}
Characteristic Work(s): juvenile
fiction/folklore (e.g., The Trickster and the Troll [1997]); Completing the Circle (1995; nonfiction) |
Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
>Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve (Virginia Driving Hawk), 1933-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
The Annual Joseph Harper Cash Memorial Lecture, Fall 1997
--pict & bio for the lecture (U of SoDak)

N. SCOTT MOMADAY (1934-)::::{Kiowa/Cherokee} 
Characteristic Work(s):
House Made of Dawn (1968; novel); The Way to Rainy Mountain (1969; "folklore");
The Names: A Memoir (1976; autobiography); The Ancient Child (1989); In the Presence of the Sun (stories & poems;
1992); The Man Made of Words (1997; stories & essays); poetry: Angle of Geese (1974);
The Gourd Dancer (1976); In the Bear's House (1999) |
N. Scott Momaday (1934-)
--pict, extensive links (Modern American Poetry)
N. Scott Momaday: Biographical, Literary, and Multicultural Contexts
--substantial critical biography/bibliography
(Modern American Poetry)
N. Scott Momaday
--picts (book covers), bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
N. Scott Momaday, 1934-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
N. Scott Momaday
--pict, links, incl. seminar transcript (1992 Poetics and Politics Series [U of Arizona])
N. Scott Momaday (Kiowa) (1934-)
--pict, primary & secondary bibliography (Paul P. Reuben/Perspectives in American Literature)
"N. Scott Momaday: Mandarin Tribal Voice"
--(at times refreshingly irreverent) critical essay (dancingbadger.com)
"Diamonds and Turquoise: The Poetry of N. Scott Momaday"
--essay (Mick McAllister, At Wanderer's Well [dancingbadger.com])
N. Scott Momaday Interview
--w/ Joanna Hearne (Native Networks)
"Place and Vision"
--essay on "place" in Momaday's House Made of Dawn, Silko's Ceremony, and Welch's
Death of Jim Loney (Robert M. Nelson)
"Carriers of the Dream Wheel"
--text of perhaps Momaday's most famous poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"December 29, 1890"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"The Delight Song of Tsoai-Talee"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"A Private Interview with N. Scott Momaday"
--my translation of 2005 French interview of NSM by Anne Garrait-Bourrier (TCG [ .pdf file])
N. Scott Momaday
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

CAROL LEE SANCHEZ (1934-)::::{Laguna Pueblo/Lakota}
Characteristic Work(s): poetry: Excerpts from a Mountain Climber's Handbook: Selected Poems, 1971-1984 (1985); From Spirit to Matter: New and Selected Poems, 1969-1996 (1997) |
Carol Lee Sanchez
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Carol Lee Sanchez, 1934-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral: The Sacred Connection"
--poem ("Her Song"), and extended commentary

GERALD VIZENOR (1934-)::::{Ojibwe} 
Characteristic Work(s):
Interior Landscapes (1990; autobiographical essays); critical essays: Manifest
Manners (1994); Fugitive Poses (1998); novels: Griever (1986); The Trickster of Liberty (1988); Bearheart ([1978/]1990); The Heirs
of Columbus (1991); Dead Voices (1992); Chancers (2000); Hiroshima Bugi (2003); poetry (especially haiku [e.g., Seventeen
Chirps (1964); Almost Ashore: Selected Poems (2006)]) |
Gerald Vizenor
--pict, bio, extensive primary & secondary bibliography, links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
Gerald Vizenor, 1934-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Gerald Vizenor
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (Minnesota Author Biographies Project)
Gerald Vizenor
--special issue devoted to Vizenor, in SAIL (Spring, 1997)
Gerald Vizenor in Dialogue with A. Robert Lee
--interview from Postindian Conversations (Weber Studies)
On Teaching: Gerald Vizenor
--as recounted by Mary Ellen Butler (UC Berkeley)

PETER BLUE CLOUD (1935-)::::{Mohawk}
Characteristic Work(s):
Elderberry Flute Song: Contemporary Coyote Tales (1982; folklore); Sketches in Winter, with Crows (1984; poetry) |
Peter Blue Cloud
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Peter Blue Cloud (Aroniawenrate), 1935-
--brief bio, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Peter Blue Cloud: "Badger's Son"
--a Coyote story (Edge-ucation Council)

HYEMEYOHSTS STORM (1935-)::::{Cheyenne/Crow[?]}
Characteristic Work(s):
Seven Arrows (1972) |
Hyemeyohsts (Wolf) Storm, 1935-
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"He Never Cries Wolf"
--article acknowledging the controversy regarding Storm's Native identity (Sarah Phelan)

DENNIS BANKS (1937-)::::{Ojibwe}
Characteristic Work(s):
Ojibwa Warrior (2005; autobiography; with Richard Erdoes) |
Dennis Banks
--bio, (brief!) bibliography (NativeWiki)
Dennis J. Banks (Nowa Cumig)
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)

DUANE NIATUM (pronounced "NIGH-yuh-tum") (1938-)::::{Klallam}
Characteristic Work(s):
Drawings of the Song Animals (1991; poetry); Stories from the Land of Red Cedar (1999; folklore) |
Duane Niatum
--pict, bio, extensive bibliography and links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
"Drawings Of The Song Animals"
--text of poem (Storytellers)
"Snowy Owl Near Ocean Shores"
--text of poem (Storytellers)
Duane Niatum, 1938-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Profile: Duane Niatum
--pict, bio (indigenations.com)
"Snowy Owl Near Ocean Shores"
--(redundant) text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
Duane Niatum
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

PAULA GUNN ALLEN (1939-)::::{Laguna Pueblo/Lakota} 
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry; The Sacred Hoop (1986; literary/cultural criticism); Life Is a Fatal Disease (poetry; 1996) |
Paula Gunn Allen
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, & links (Voices from the Gaps)
Paula Gunn Allen
--pict, bio, extensive bibliography and links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
"And Then, Twenty Years Later . . .": A Conversation with Paula Gunn Allen
--interview by John Purdy (Storytellers)
Paula Gunn Allen, 1939-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Paula Gunn Allen
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

WILLIAM LEAST HEAT-MOON (William Trogdon) (1939-)::::{Osage[??]}
Characteristic Work(s): nonfiction: Blue Highways (1983); PrairyErth (1991) |
William Least Heat-Moon
--bio, bibliography (NativeWiki)
William Least Heat-Moon, 1939-
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
William Least Heat-Moon
--author's home page--defunct

MARIA CAMPBELL (1940-)::::{Metis}
Characteristic Work(s):
Halfbreed (1973; autobiography) |
Maria Campbell
--bio, bibliography (NativeWiki)
Maria Campbell, 1940-
--brief bio, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Maria Campbell (Metis)
--substantial bio (cuny.edu)
Maria Campbell
--cultural background of Halfbreed (U of British Columbia)--defunct

ROBERT J. CONLEY (1940-)::::{Cherokee}
Characteristic Work(s):
novels: Mountain Windsong: A Novel of the Trail of Tears (1992); War Woman (1997); Cherokee Dragon (2000)
--and LOTS of
"pulp" Westerns; poetry |
Robert Conley
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
Robert J. Conley, 1940-
--pict, brief bio, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)

JIMMIE DURHAM (1940-)::::{Cherokee[?]}
Characteristic Work(s):
Columbus Day (1983; poetry) |
Jimmie Durham
--bio, bib entry (NativeWiki)
Jimmie Durham, 1940-
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Jimmie Durham: The Pursuit of Happiness
--photos (of his art), essay, interview (Heyoka Magazine)
"Columbus Day"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
J i m m i e D u r h a m
--brief bio, visual-art exhibits, bibliography (First Nations Art)--defunct

JAMES WELCH (1940-2003)::::{Blackfeet/Gros Ventre} 
Characteristic Work(s):
Riding the Earthboy 40 (1971; poetry); Killing Custer (1995; nonfiction); novels: Winter in
the Blood (1974);
The Death of Jim Loney (1979); Fools Crow (1986); The Indian Lawyer (1990); The Heartsong of Charging Elk (2000) |
James Welch
--pict, bio, bibliography (NativeWiki)
James Welch, 1940-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
James Welch
--pict, links, incl. seminar transcript (1992 Poetics and Politics Series [U of Arizona])
James Welch ~ American Novelist, American Indian
--extensive critical biography/annotated bibliography (dancingbadger.com)
About James Welch: A Profile
--critical biography (Don Lee, in Ploughshares)
James Welch
--brief interview & picture (Colorado Springs Independent, 1999)
"The Death of Jim Loney"
--several brief scholarly essays on the novel (SAIL)
"Place and Vision"
--essay on "place" in Momaday's House Made of Dawn, Silko's
Ceremony, and Welch's Death of Jim Loney
(Robert M. Nelson)
TCG's Motifs & "Themes" in The Death of Jim Loney
--A down-and-dirty version of a thematic outline of the novel that I
made for students a few years back. . . .
James Welch (1940-)
--scholarly treatment of Welch's style, themes, etc. (nativepubs.com)--defunct

BETH BRANT (1941-)::::{Mohawk}
Characteristic Work(s):
Food & Spirits (1991; short stories); Writing as Witness: Essay and Talk (1994; nonfiction) |
Beth E. Brant (Degonwadonti)
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Beth Brant
--bio, bibliography (NativeWiki)
Beth E. Brant (Degonwadonti), 1941-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Beth Brant
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

DIANE GLANCY (1941-)::::{Cherokee}
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry; drama; Offering: Poetry and Prose (1988; mixed-genre); Firesticks: A Collection of Stories
(1993; short stories); novels: Pushing the Bear: A Novel of the Trail of Tears (1996); Stone Heart: A Novel of Sacajawea (2003) |
Diane Glancy
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Diane Glancy
--pict, bio, bibliography, extensive links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
Diane Glancy, 1941-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Diane Glancy
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct
Poets & Poems: Diane Glancy
--texts of three poems (Poetry Project)--defunct

GEARY HOBSON (1941-)::::{Cherokee/Quawpaw/Chickasaw}
Characteristic Work(s):
essays/literary criticism; Deer Hunting and Other Poems (1990; poetry); The Last of the Ofos (2000; novel) |
Geary Hobson
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Geary Hobson, 1941-
--bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Geary Hobson
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

SIMON J. ORTIZ (1941-)::::{Acoma Pueblo} 
--I met him! (mid-1970's)
Characteristic Work(s):
Howbah Indians (1978; short stories); poetry: Going for the Rain (1976); From Sand Creek (1981);
Woven Stone (1992); After and Before the Lightning (1994) |
Simon J. Ortiz
--bio, extensive primary & secondary bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Simon J. Ortiz, 1941-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Simon Ortiz
--pict, links, incl. seminar transcript (1992 Poetics and Politics Series [U of Arizona])
Simon J. Ortiz
--pict, brief bio, audio/video of readings (CounterBalance Poetry) [non-text media no longer there]
Simon Ortiz
--including .wav file of Ortiz reading (Writing the Southwest)
"Something Wicked This Way Comes: Warnings by Simon Ortiz and Martin Cruz Smith"
--by Gregg Graber (in Wicazo Sa Review)
"A Designated National Park"
--text of poem (Voyage to Another Universe: Karen M. Strom/hanksville.org)
"Many Farms Notes"
--text of poem (Voyage to Another Universe: Karen M. Strom/hanksville.org)
"Four Poems for a Child Son"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
Simon J. Ortiz
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

JOSEPH BRUCHAC (pronounced "BROOH-shock") (1942-)::::{Abenaki} 
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry: Near the Mountains (1987); No Borders (1999); LOTS of children's literature/folklore
(e.g., Iroquois Stories [1985]); The Wind Eagle and Other Abenaki Stories [1985]; A Boy Called Slow [1994]); children's
eco-literature (i.e., the Keepers series [with Michael Caduto]) |
Joseph Bruchac Storyteller & Writer
--author's home page [but: I thought my web color scheme was unreadable!]
Joseph Bruchac
--bio, links (NativeWiki)
Joseph Bruchac, 1942-
--brief bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Meet the Author: Joseph Bruchac
(Houghton Mifflin)
An Interview with Joseph Bruchac
--by Eliza T. Dresang (CCBC)
"Love of reading inspired author Joseph Bruchac to write"
--interview, regarding his children's books (NEA)
Joseph Bruchac (1942-)
--pict, bibliography (Andrew O. Widget/Heath Anthology Instructor Resources)
Joseph Bruchac, III
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)

RAYNA GREEN (1942-)::::{Cherokee}
Characteristic Work(s):
literary criticism, poetry |
Rayna D. Green--Director, American Indian Program
--her page at the Smithsonian Institution
Rayna D. Green
--quot., critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Rayna Diane Green, 1942-
--bibliography (Native American Authors Project)

MARCOOSIE (Patsang) (1942-)::::{Inuit}
Characteristic Work(s): Harpoon of the Hunter (1970; novella) |
Marcoosie, 1942-
--brief bio, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"Markoosie's Harpoon of the Huntier: a Story of Cultural Survival"
--excerpt from journal article by Seth Bovey
(Questia [originally from American Indian Quarterly])

MARTIN CRUZ SMITH (MARTIN WILLIAM SMITH) (1942-)::::{Senecu del Sur/Yaqui}
Characteristic Work(s): novels: The Indians Won (1970); Nightwing (1977); Gorky Park (1981) |
Martin Cruz Smith, 1942-
--brief bio, link to interview, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"Something Wicked This Way Comes: Warnings by Simon Ortiz and Martin Cruz Smith"
--by Gregg Graber (in Wicazo Sa Review)

THOMAS KING (1943-)::::{Cherokee}
Characteristic Work(s):
novels: Medicine River (1989); Green Grass, Running Water (1993); Truth and Bright Water (1999) |
Thomas King
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Thomas King, 1943-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Thomas King
--pict, brief bio (Canadian Literature Online)
"A Writer Without Reservations"
--"Profile" by Mary Dickieson (uoguelph.ca)
Green Grass, Running Water
--several editorial reviews of the novel at Amazon.com

LANCE HENSON (1944-)::::{Cheyenne/Oglala Lakota}
--I met him!
Characteristic Work(s): poetry:
Another Song for America (1987); Another Distance (1991); A Cheyenne Sketchbook (1992);
Strong Heart Song (1997) |
Lance Henson
--pict, bio, extensive bibliography and links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
"revolutionary song"
--text of poem (Storytellers)
untitled ("nah shi neh")
--text of poem (Storytellers)
Lance Henson, 1944-
--bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"woodpecker song"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)

RON WELBURN (1944-)::::{Cherokee/Conoy}
Characteristic Work(s):
Heartland: Selected Poems (1981; poetry) |
Ron Welburn
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
Ron Welburn
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Ron Welburn
--pict, brief bio (UMass)
Certificate Program in Native American Studies
--Welburn's Foreword to American Indian Studies essay collection (UMass)

MICHAEL DORRIS (1945-1997)::::{Modoc[??]}
Characteristic Work(s):
A Yellow Raft in Blue Water (1987; novel); The Broken Cord (1989; autobiography) |
Michael Dorris
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Michael Dorris, 1945-1997
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
A Conversation With Michael Dorris
--1996 interview by Daniel Bourne (Artful Dodge)
Michael Dorris
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

HANAY GEIOGAMAH (1945-)::::{Kiowa}
Characteristic Work(s): drama
(e.g., Body Indian [1972]) |
Hanay Geiogamah, 1945-
--brief bio, link, bib entry (Native American Authors Project)
The Plays of Geiogamah
--essay by Renee Mattila
Hanay Geiogamah
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct
Secret to achieving literary success is overcoming fear"
--article largely about Geiogamah (Emma Rodgers, at UCLA)--defunct

PHILLIP H. RED EAGLE (1945-)::::{Dakota/Puget Sound Salish}
Characteristic Work(s): Red Earth: A Vietnam Warrior's Journey (1997; 2 novellas) |
Philip Red Eagle
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Philip H. Red Eagle, 1945-
--link and bib entry (Native American Authors Project)

GAIL TREMBLAY (1945-)::::{Onondaga/Micmac}
Characteristic Work(s): Indian Singing in the Twentieth Century (1990; poetry) |
Gail Tremblay, 1945-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"Seattle Aquarium, Spring, 1995"
--text of poem (The Raven Chronicles)

DUANE BIG EAGLE (1946-)::::{Osage}
Characteristic Work(s): poetry: Bidato: Ten Mile River Poems (1975) |
Duane Big Eagle, 1946-
--brief bio and bib entry (Native American Authors Project)
Neshkinukat :: Duane Big Eagle
--pict, artist's statement, text of poem (California Native Artists Network)

BARNEY BUSH (1946-)::::{Shawnee/Cayuga}
Characteristic Work(s):
Petroglyphs (1981; poetry); Inherit the Blood (1985; poetry & short stories) |
Barney Bush
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Barney Bush, 1946-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Sample Autograph Signature: Barney Bush
--(yeh, I reachin' here!)
Barney Furman Bush
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct
Barney Bush
--contact info, brief bio, list of music CD's (Tumblewords/New Mexico Writer's Contact Directory)--defunct

CHRYSTOS (1946-)::::{Menominee}
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry: Not Vanishing (1988); Fire Power (1995) |
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Chrystos, 1946-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Chrystos on Queer Native America
--pict, interview (thegully.com)
Chrystos Poetry Page
--"fan" page, with poems--defunct

ED EDMO (1946[?]-)::::{Shoshone-Bannock/Nez Perce/Yakima}
Characteristic Work(s): poetry, drama |
Ed Edmo: Native American Consultant
--his Tripod page, with link to a poem
"I'm Not Going to Get Burned Out"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"Humor, Sadness & Understanding are all part of Ed Edmo's Gift"
--article (grandronde.org)--defunct

ADRIAN C. LOUIS (1946-)::::{Northern Paiute}
--I met him!
Characteristic Work(s):
Skins (1995; novel); Wild Indians & Other Creatures (1996; short stories); poetry: Fire Water World (1989);
Among the Dog Eaters (1992); Bone & Juice (2001); Evil Corn (200) |
--Adrian's official site
Adrian C. Louis
--pict, extensive links (Modern American Poetry)
Adrian C. Louis
--pict, bio, bibliography, extensive links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
Adrian Louis
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Adrian C. Louis
--links to several online texts by Louis, from Ploughshares
"Note to a Culture Vulture"
--text of poem (Ploughshares)
"Manifest Destination"
--text of poem (Fire)
"The Intellectual in Pine Ridge"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"Jehovah Calls In Sick Again"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)

JOHN TRUDELL (1946[?]-)::::{Santee Sioux [Dakota]}
--I met him!
Characteristic Work(s): A.K.A Graffiti Man (1986; recording); Lines from a Mined Mind (2008; poetry/song lyrics) |
John Trudell
--John's own official web page
John Trudell
--pict, bio, discography, links (NativeWiki)
John Trudell, 1947-
--brief bio, links, brief bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Interview with John Trudell...
--w/ Lori Townsend (First Nations [dickshovel.com])

ANNA LEE WALTERS (1946-)::::{Pawnee/Otoe-Missouria}
Characteristic Work(s): The Sun Is Not Merciful (1985; short stories); Ghost Singer (1988; novel) |
Anna Lee Walters
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Anna Lee Walters
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Anna Lee Walters, 1946-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)

ROBERTA HILL (WHITEMAN) (1947-)::::{Oneida}
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry: Star Quilt (1984); Philadelphia Flowers (1996) |
Roberta Hill
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
Roberta Hill Whiteman
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Roberta Hill Whiteman, 1947-
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Roberta Hill Whiteman
--pict, links, incl. seminar transcript (1992 Poetics and Politics Series [U of Arizona])
Roberta Hill Whiteman (Oneida) (b. 1947)
--teaching strategies (Andrew O. Widget/Heath Anthology Instructor Resources)

JANET CAMPBELL HALE (1947-)::::{Coeur d'Alene/Kootenai}
Characteristic Work(s):
The Owl's Song (1974; novel); The Jailing of Cecelia Capture (1985; novel); Bloodlines: Odyssey of a
Native Daughter (1993; autobiography) |
Janet Campbell Hale
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Janet Campbell Hale
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
Janet Campbell Hale, 1947-
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"The Place of Janet Campbell Hale and Sherman Alexie in American Indian Literature"
--essay by Dennis Walsh
(Idaho Commission for Libraries)
Janet Campbell Hale
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct
Amazon.com talks to Janet Campbell Hale

LINDA HOGAN (1947-)::::{Chickasaw} 
--I met her!
Characteristic Work(s):
Dwellings (1996; essays); Red Clay: Poems & Stories (1991; mixed genre); poetry: Calling Myself Home (1978);
Eclipse (1983); Seeing Through the Sun (1985); The Book of Medicines (1993); novels: Mean Spirit (1990);
Solar Storms (1995); Power (1998)
Linda Hogan
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography (Voices from the Gaps)
Linda Hogan
--pict, bio, extensive bibliography, links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
Linda Hogan, 1947-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Linda Hogan
--including .wav file of Hogan reading (Writing the Southwest)
"Hogan exposes Native history in her storytelling fiction"
--account of Hogan's visit to a class at UC Davis
"Crow Law"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"Missing the Animals"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"The Ritual Life of Animals"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"Who Will Speak?"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
Linda Hogan
--pict, annotated bib (with ecological emphasis) (SoultoSpirit.com)--defunct

JEANETTE ARMSTRONG (1948-)::::{Okanagan}
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry; novels: Slash (1985); Whispering in Shadows (2000) |
Jeanette Armstrong
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Jeanette Armstrong
--bio, extensive bibliography, links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
Jeannette Armstrong, 1948-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)

WALTER ECHO-HAWK (1948-)::::{Pawnee}
--I met him!
Characteristic Work(s): law/politics: Battlefields and Burial Grounds: The Indian Struggle to Protect Ancestral Graves
in the United States (1994; w. Roger C. Echo-Hawk) |
Walter R. Echo-Hawk
--bio (Native American Rights Fund)

LOUIS OWENS (1948-2002)::::{Choctaw/Cherokee}
Characteristic Work(s):
novels: Wolfsong (1991); Bone Game (1994); Nightland (1996); Dark River (1999); literary criticism: Other Destinies: Understanding the American Indian Novel (1992); Mixedblood Messages (2001) |
Louis Owens
--pict, bio, extensive bibliography, links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
Louis Owens, 1948-
--brief bio, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"The Song Is Very Short": Native American Literature and Literary Theory
--critical essay (Weber Studies)
Owens' "Introduction"
--to special issue on Gerald Vizenor, in SAIL (Spring, 1997)

WENDY ROSE (1948-)::::{Miwok/Hopi}
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry: Hopi Roadrunner Dancing (1973); The Halfbreed Chronicles and Other Poems (1985); Bone Dance (1994) |
Wendy Rose (1948-)
--pict, extensive links (Modern American Poetry)
Wendy Rose
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Wendy Rose
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Wendy Rose, 1948-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"To Some Few Hopi Ancestors"
--text of poem (The South Corner of Time [U of Arizona])
Wendy Rose
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

LESLIE MARMON SILKO (1948-)::::{Laguna Pueblo} 
Characteristic Work(s):
Laguna Woman (1974; poetry); Storyteller (1981; mixed-genre); Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit
(1996; essays); novels: Ceremony; Almanac of the Dead (1991); Gardens in the Dunes (1999) |
Running on the Edge of the Rainbow: Laguna Stories and Poems
--video (& transcripts) of a young Leslie Silko
(Words & Place--Larry Evers/U of Arizona [1978])
Leslie Marmon Silko
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Leslie Marmon Silko
--bio, bibliography, extensive links (NativeWiki)
Leslie Marmon Silko, 1948-
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Leslie Marmon Silko
--pict, links, incl. seminar transcript (1992 Poetics and Politics Series [U of Arizona])
An Interview with Leslie Marmon Silko
--by Thomas Irmer
Leslie Marmon Silko
--brief bio, brief treatment of Ceremony (Nafeesa T. Nichols)
"The Ecological Politics of Leslie Silko's Almanac of the Dead"
--Bridget O'Meara (in Wicazo Sa Review)
"Place and Vision"
--essay on "place" in Momaday's House Made of Dawn, Silko's Ceremony, and Welch's
Death of Jim Loney (Robert M. Nelson)
"The Border Patrol State"
--text of her 1994 essay (Tucson Weekly)
"The Border Patrol State"
--printer-friendly version
from "Long time ago"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"The Time We Climbed Snake Mountain"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
TCG's Outline-Table to Almanac of the Dead
--A down-and-dirty version of a tabular outline for the novel that I
made for students a few years back. . . .
Leslie Marmon Silko
--2nd/supplemental page (Voices from the Gaps)--defunct
Leslie Silko
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

BETTY LOUISE BELL (1949-)::::{Cherokee}
Characteristic Work(s): Faces in the Moon (1994; novel) |
Betty Louise Bell
--brief bio, bib entry (NativeWiki)
Betty Louise Bell, 1949-
--brief bio, bib entry (Native American Authors Project)
Critique: Faces in the Moon by Betty Louise Bell
--review of her first novel, by Heather Cronin Ott (Voices from the Gaps)

HAUNANI-KAY TRASK (1949-)::::{indigenous Hawai'ian}
Characteristic Work(s):
From a Native Daughter: Colonialism and Sovereignty in Hawai'i (1993; nonfiction); Light in the
Crevice Never Seen (1994; poetry) |
Haunani-Kay Trask
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"U.S. bears sole blame for Sept. 11, Trask says"
--2001 newspaper article (Honolulu Star-Bulletin)
Ranges of Hawaii
--!?--believe it or not, includes a brief editorial on Trask's call for Hawaiian independence
(North American Gun Clubs)

LEE MARACLE (1950-)::::{Salish/Cree}
Characteristic Work(s): Bobbi Lee: Indian Rebel (1975; novel/autobiography); I Am Woman (1988; autobiography/feminist politics); Sojourner's Truth and Other Stories (1990; short stories); novels: Sundogs (1992); Ravensong (1993); Daughters Are Forever (2002) |
Lee Maracle
--pict, bio, links, bibliography (NativeWiki)
Lee Maracle, 1950-
--brief bio, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"The Lost Days of Columbus"
--text of essay (Trivia: Voices of Feminism)

CHERYL SAVAGEAU (1950-)::::{Abenaki}
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry: Dirt Road Home (1995); Mother/Land (2006) |
Cheryl Savageau
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
"Looking for Indians"
--text of poem (Storytellers)
Cheryl Savageau
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
An interview with Cheryl Savageau by Jennifer Hill
Excerpts from Dirt Road Home
--three poems (curbstone.org)
"Hanging Clothes in the Sun"
--text of poem (RALPH)

CRAIG KEE STRETE (aka Sovereign Falconer) (1950-)::::{Cherokee[?]}
Characteristic Work(s): The Bleeding Man and Other Science Fiction Stories (1977; short stories); Burn Down the Night (1982; novel); How the Indians Bought the Farm (1996; children's fiction) |
Craig Kee Strete
--links/bibliography (Fantastic Fiction)

RAY YOUNG BEAR (1950-)::::{Meskwawki [aka Fox]}
Characteristic Work(s):
Black Eagle Child: The Facepaint Narratives (1992; mixed-genre novel); poetry: Winter of the Salamander (1980);
The Invisible Magician (1990) |
Ray A. Young Bear (1950-)
--pict, extensive links (Modern American Poetry)
Ray A. Young Bear
--pict, bio, extensive bibliography, links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
What it Means to be a Meskwaki: An Interview with Ray Young Bear
(Storytellers [Des Moines Register])
"Our Bird Aegis"
--text of poem (Storytellers)
Ray Young Bear (Ka ka to), 1950-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)

GLORIA BIRD (1951-)::::{Spokane}
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry: Full Moon on the Reservation (1993); The River of History: Prose Poems (1997) |
Gloria Bird
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
"What We Owe"
--text of prose poem (Storytellers)
Gloria Bird, 1951-
--bibliography (Native American Authors Project)

JOY HARJO (1951-)::::{Muskoke/Cherokee} 
--I met her!
Characteristic Work(s):
The Spiral of Memory: Interviews; poetry: She Had Some Horses (1983); Secrets from the Center of the World (1987);
In Mad Love and War (1990); The Woman Who Fell from the Sky (1994); A Map to the Next World (2000) |
Joy Harjo: Poet, Writer, Musician
--Harjo's official web site (and blog)
--book info and two poems
Joy Harjo
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Joy Harjo
--pict, bio, extensive bibliography and links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
"I Do Not Waste What Is Wild . . . Louis (Little Coon) Oliver"
--Maurice Kenny's tribute to Louis Oliver
(and Harjo's poem, "Fishing") (Storytellers)
Joy Harjo, 1951-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Joy Harjo
--pict, links, incl. seminar transcript (1992 Poetics and Politics Series [U of Arizona])
Joy Harjo: Author - Poet - Musician - Screenwriter
--a detailed "fan" page with picts, annotated links (Gloria L. Floren)
Joy Harjo
--including .wav file of Harjo reading (Writing in the Southwest)
Joy Harjo and Poetic Justice
--Poetic Justice's "blurb" page at Silver Wave Records
"Eagle Poem"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"For Anna Mae Pictou Aquash . . ."
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"humans aren't the only makers of poetry"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"I Give You Back"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"My House Is the Red Earth"
--text of poem(s) (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"The Myth of Blackbirds"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"The Real Revolution Is Love"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
from "Returning from the Enemy"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"She Had Some Horses"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
Joy Harjo
--poem, pict, brief bio (NEA Writer's Corner)--defunct
Heath Anthology "Profile"
--Harjo bio/interview--defunct
Joy Harjo and Poetic Justice
--Info on Harjo vis-à-vis her longtime band, Poetic Justice (Princeton U)--defunct
Harjo's "Fishing"
--text of poem (American Portrait)--defunct

HAROLD LITTLEBIRD (1951-)::::{Laguna Pueblo/Santo Domingo Pueblo}
Characteristic Work(s):
On Mountains' Breath (1982; poetry) |
Harold Littlebird, 1951-
--bibliography (Native American Authors Project)

nila northSun (1951-)::::{Shoshone/Ojibwe}
Characteristic Work(s):
A Snake in Her Mouth: Poems 1974-96 (1997; poetry) |
nila northSun's poetry blog
nila northSun, 1951-
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Nila northSun
--pict, bio (Online Nevada Encyclopedia)
Myth, Memory and Narrative: the Poetry of nila northSun
--pict, links--defunct
The Poetry of nila northSun
--including links to two poems (Myth, Memory and Narrative)--defunct
Amazon.com talks to nila northSun
--brief interview--defunct

ANITA ENDREZZE (1952-)::::{Yaqui}
Characteristic Work(s):
At the Helm of Twilight (1992; poetry); The Humming of Stars and Bees and Waves: Poems and
Short Stories (1998; mixed-genre); Throwing Fire at the Sun, Water at the Moon (2000; mixed-genre) |
Anita Endrezze
--pict, extensive links (Modern American Poetry)
Online Writings by Anita Endrezze
--texts of five poems (Modern American Poetry; from Storytellers)
Anita Endrezze
--pict (& paintings), bio, bibliography, extensive links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
"Sunset at Twin Lake"
--text of poem (Storytellers)
Anita Endrezze, 1952-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)

GREG SARRIS (1952-)::::{Pomo/Miwok}
Characteristic Work(s):
literary criticism; Grand Avenue (1994; short stories); Watermelon Nights (1998; novel) |
Greg Sarris
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Greg Sarris
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Greg Sarris
--pict, links, incl. seminar transcript (1992 Poetics and Politics Series [U of Arizona])
Reading Guides: Watermelon Nights
--discussion of novel, interview of Sarris (Penguin)
Hidden History
--pict, review of Watermelon Nights (Patrick Sullivan, at metroactive.com)

MARY BRAVE BIRD (Mary Crow Dog) (1953-)::::{Lakota}
Characteristic Work(s):
Lakota Woman (1990; autobiography; with Richard Erdoes); Ohitika Woman (1993; autobiography; with Richard Erdoes) |
Mary Brave Bird
--bio (NativeWiki)
Mary Brave Bird, 1953-
--bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"A Conversation With Mary Brave Bird"
--interview by Christopher Wise and R. Todd Wise (American Indian Quarterly, 24.3 [2000])
(now a .pdf file)
Mary Crow Dog
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

LUCI TAPAHONSO (1953-)::::{Diné}
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry (w/ short stories): Saanii Dahataal: The Women Are Singing (1993); Blue Horses Rush In (1997) |
Luci Tapahonso
--pict, bio, extensive bibliography, links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
"Hills Brothers Coffee"
--text of poem (Storytellers)
Luci Tapahonso
--quot., critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Luci Tapahonso, 1953-
--brief bio, extensive links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Luci Tapahonso
--pict, links, incl. seminar transcript (1992 Poetics and Politics Series [U of Arizona])
Preface to Blue Horses Rush In
(U of Arizona P)--defunct

SHONTO BEGAY (1954[?]-)::::{Diné}
Characteristic Work(s):
children's literature/folklore: Ma'ii and Cousin Horned Toad (1992); Navajo: Visions and Voices across the Mesa (1995) |
Shonto Begay - Artist, Author, Educator
--his official web site
Shonto Begay, 1950-
--pict, brief bio, links, bib entry (Native American Authors Project)
"Anasazi Diaspora," by Shonto Begay
--excerpt (& art) from Navajo, plus biographical note (Paula Giese/kstrom.net)
Shonto Begay
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

ROBERT H. DAVIS (1954[?]-)::::{Tlingit}
Characteristic Work(s):
Soul Catcher (1986; poetry) |
"'Listen for Sounds': An Introduction to Alaska Native Poets Nora Marks Dauenhauer, Fred Bigjim, and Robert Davis"
(The Northern Review, Summer 1993)
"Raven is Two-Faced"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)

LOUISE ERDRICH (1954-)::::{Ojibwe} 
Characteristic Work(s):
Jacklight (1984; poetry); The Blue Jay's Dance: A Birth Year (1995; autobiographical essays); novels: Love Medicine (1984); The Beet Queen (1986); Tracks (1988); The Bingo Palace (1994);
The Master Butchers Singing Club (2003) |
Louis Erdrich
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Louise Erdrich
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Louise Erdrich, 1954-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Love Medicine
--links regarding the novel (Native American Authors Project)
Louis Erdrich
--author's page at HarperCollins
Louis Erdrich
--substantial bio, bibliography (gale.com)
Erdrich, Louise (1954-)
--extensive Erdrich links page
Special Issue on Louise Erdrich
--SAIL (Winter 1991)
Special Issue on Louise Erdrich's Love Medicine
--SAIL (Winter 1985)

KIMBERLY BLAESER (1955-)::::{Ojibwe}
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry: Trailing You (1994); Absentee Indians and Other Poems (2002); Apprenticed to Justice (2007) |
Kimberly Blaeser
--pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Kimberly Blaeser
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Kimberly M. Blaeser, 1955-
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)

RICHARD WAGAMESE (1955-)::::{Ojibwe}
Characteristic Work(s): novels: Keeper'n Me (1994); A Quality of Light (1997); Dream Wheels (2006) |
Richard Wagamese: Best Selling Author
--his official web page
Book Review: Richard Wagamese's Dream Wheels--You Can Go Home Again
--by Richard Marcus (Blogcritics Magazine)

GORDON HENRY (1955-)::::{Ojibwe}
Characteristic Work(s): The Light People (1994; novel) |
Gordon Henry
--bio, links (NativeWiki)
Gordon Henry, 1955-
--brief bio, links, bib entry (Native American Authors Project)
Poet and Novelist Gordon Henry
--brief bio, and audio excerpts from reading (Michigan Writers Series)

DIANE BURNS (1957-2006)::::{Ojibwe/Chemehuevi}
Characteristic Work(s):
Riding the One-Eyed Ford (1981; poetry) |
Diane Burns
--bio, bib entry, links (NativeWiki)
Diane Burns, 1957-
--brief bio, bib entry (Native American Authors Project)
Diane Burns: "Sure You Can Ask Me A Personal Question"
--okay, another online text of the poem (replacing dead link below)
(Mandi Leskovac/Youngstown State U)
Diane M. Burns
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct
"Sure you can ask me a personal question"
--text of famous poem ("missmolly," at invertedpress.com)--defunct

DEBRA MAGPIE EARLING (1957-)::::{Bitterroot Salish [aka Flathead]}
--I met her!
Characteristic Work(s):
fiction: Perma Red (2002; novel) |
Debra Magpie Earling
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Debra Magpie Earling, 1957-
--brief bio (Native American Authors Project)
"The Old Marriage"
--excerpt from Perma Red (Storytellers)
Writing the Great (Native) American Novel — An interview with Debra Magpie Earling
--David Abrams (Drexel Online Journal)
--defunct (or at least no longer "free")

ANNETTE ARKEKETA (1958-)::::{Otoe-Missouria/Muskoke}
Characteristic Work(s): poetry, drama |
Annette Arkeketa
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
"The terms of a sister"
--text of poem (Storytellers)

ALLISON (ADELLE) HEDGE_COKE (1958-)::::{Huron/Cherokee}
--I met her!
Characteristic Work(s): Dog Road Woman (1997; poetry); Rock, Ghost, Willow, Deer (2004; memoir); Off-Season City
Pipe (2005; poetry); Blood Run (2006; poetry/drama) |
Allison Adelle Hedge Coke Off-Season
--her blog (blogspot.com)
Allison Adelle Hedge Coke
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Allison Hedge Coke
--pict, bio, links (Nebraska Center for Writers/Creighton U)
"America, I Sing Back"
--text of poem (XVIII International Poetry Festival of Medell&iactue;n)

WINONA LADUKE (1959-)::::{Ojibwe} 
--I met her!
Characteristic Work(s):
political nonfiction: e.g., All Our Relations: Native Struggles for Land and Life (1999); novel: Last Standing Woman (1997) |
Winona LaDuke
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Winona LaDuke
--bio, links (NativeWiki)
Winona LaDuke, 1959-
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"Celebrating Hellraisers: Winona LaDuke"
--short article on LaDuke, in Mother Jones (Jay Walljasper)
"Buffalo nation - environmental benefits of American bison and efforts to restore them to the Great Plains"
--article by LaDuke, from Sierra magazine

ELIZABETH WOODY (1959-)::::{Diné/Warm Springs Wasco/Wyampum/Yakima}
Characteristic Work(s):
poetry: Hand Into Stone (1988); Luminaries of the Humble (1994) |
Elizabeth Woody
--quot., critical bio, bibliography, extensive links (Voices from the Gaps)
Elizabeth Woody
--picts, bio, extensive bibliography and links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
--text of poem (Storytellers)
Elizabeth A. Woody
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"Recalling Celilo"
--eco-essay by Woody (Salmon Nation)
Elizabeth Woody
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

SUSAN POWER (1961-)::::{Yanktonais Nakota [Sioux]}
Characteristic Work(s): novels: The Grass Dancer (1994); Roofwalker (2002) |
Susan Power
--quot., critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Interview with Susan Power
--w/ Shari Oslos (Voices from the Gaps)
Susan Power
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Susan Power, 1961
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)

REX LEE JIM (Mazii Dineltsoi) (1962[?]-)::::{Diné}
Characteristic Work(s): poetry, translation |
Rex Lee Jim
--bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Mazii Dineltsoi: "Language"
--bilingual text(s) of poem (Weber Studies)
"Navajo poet translates cultural preservation into reality"
--article by Jessica Suarez (Arizona Daily Wildcat)--defunct

HEID E. ERDRICH (1963-)::::{Ojibwe}
Characteristic Work(s): poetry: Fishing for Myth (1997); The Mother's Tongue (2005) |
Heid Erdrich
--quot., pict, critical bio, bibliography, links (Voices from the Gaps)
Heid Erdrich
--pict, bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Heid E. Erdrich
--brief bio (Native American Authors Project)

ROBERT (ALLEN) WARRIOR (1963-)::::{Osage}
Characteristic Work(s): literary criticism: Tribal Secrets: Recovering American Indian Intellectual Traditions (1994); The People and the Word: Reading Native Nonfiction (2005) |
Robert Allen Warrior
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)

ERIC GANSWORTH (1965-)::::{Onondaga}
Characteristic Work(s): novels: Indian Summers (1998); Mending Skins (2005); poetry: A Half-Life of Cardio-Pulmonary Function (2008) |
Eric Gansworth
--pict, bio, bibliography, extensive links (NativeWiki)
Eric Gansworth
--brief bio (Native American Authors Project)
"Loving That Land O'Lakes Maiden"
--text of poem (American Indians in Children's Literature)

TIFFANY MIDGE (1965-)::::{Hunkpapa Lakota}
--I met her!
Characteristic Work(s):
Outlaws, Renegades and Saints: Diary of a Mixed-Up Halfbreed (1996; poetry) |
Tiffany Midge
--pict (& paintings), bio, bibliography, links (Storytellers [now NativeWiki])
--text of poem (Storytellers)
Tiffany Midge, 1965-
--brief bio, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"The Running Boy"
--text of poem (Weber Studies)
"Mount Rushmore & The Arm of Crazy Horse"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)

SHERMAN ALEXIE (1966-)::::{Spokane/Coeur d'Alene} 
Characteristic Work(s):
short stories: The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven (1993); The Toughest Indian in the World (2000);
novels: Reservation Blues (1995); Indian Killer (1998); Flight (2007); poetry: Old Shirts & New Skins (1993);
The Summer of Black Widows (1996); One Stick Song (2000) |
Sherman Alexie: the Official Site
[Official] Biography
Sherman Alexie 1966-
--pict, extensive links (Modern American Poetry)
"I Hated Tonto (Still Do)," by Sherman Alexie
--essay by Alexie (Modern American Poetry)
Sherman Alexie's Iowa Review Interview
(Modern American Poetry)
Sherman Alexie
--pict, bio, extensive links (NativeWiki)
Sherman Alexie, 1966-
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"Sherman Alexie"--special issue of SAIL
--interview with ~, articles on ~
[review of] The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven
--links, bibliography (Paula Giese/kstrom.net)
"The Place of Janet Campbell Hale and Sherman Alexie in American Indian Literature"
--essay by Dennis Walsh
(Idaho Commission for Libraries)
"Sherman Alexie rails at Cornell"
--article about Alexie appearance (Indian Country Today)
"Owl Dancing with Fred Astaire"
--poem by Alexie (Standards [U of Colorado])
"Crow Testament"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"Avian Nights"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"Nature Poem"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"Prayer Animals"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
"Soon to Be a National Geographic Special"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
from "The Unathorized Biography of Me"
--text of poem (TCG: /NAlitT.html)
Sherman Alexie
--substantial bio, bibliography (nativepubs.com)--defunct

DAVID TREUER (1970[?]-)::::{Ojibwe}
--I met him!
Characteristic Work(s): novels: Little (1995); The Hiawatha (1999); The Translation of Dr. Apelles (2006); literary criticism: Native American Fiction: A User's Manual (2006) |
David Treuer
--"David's home on the web"
david treuer
--his MySpace page
David Treuer
--bio, links (NativeWiki)
David Treuer, 1971-
--brief bio, link, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
"Indian Literary Frauds: David Treuer on 'Going Native'"
--a short essay that sounds like a draft/excerpt from
Native American Fiction: A User's Manual (Turtle Talk)

RICHARD VAN CAMP (1971-)::::{Dogrib}
Characteristic Work(s): The Lesser Blessed (1996; novel); Angel Wing Splash Pattern (2002; short stories) |
Richard Van Camp
--his MySpace page
Richard Van Camp
--pict, bio, bibliography, extensive links (NativeWiki)
Richard Van Camp, 1971-
--links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Richard Van Camp Interview by Judi Saltman

STEPHEN GRAHAM JONES (1972-)::::{Blackfeet}
Characteristic Work(s): novels: The Fast Red Road (2000); The Bird Is Gone (2003); All The Beautiful Sinners (2003);
Demon Theory (2006); short stories: Bleed Into Me (2005) |
Demon Theory
--"The Official Site of Stephen Graham Jones"
Stephen Graham Jones
--his MySpace page
Stephen Graham Jones
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Stephen Graham Jones, 1972-
--bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Stephen Graham Jones, 1972-
--a second entry (bio) at the Native American Authors Project
Interview: Stephen Graham Jones, Author

MARDI OAKLEY MEDAWAR (19??-)::::{Cherokee}
Characteristic Work(s): mystery novels (e.g., Death at Rainy Mountain [1996]; Witch of the Palo Duro [1997]; Murder on the
Red Cliff Rez [2002]) |
Mardi Oakley Medawar
--brief bio, links, bibliography (Native American Authors Project)
Mardi Oakley Medawar
--brief bio, links/bibliography (Fantastic Fiction)

CRAIG WOMACK (19??-)::::{Muskoke/Cherokee}
Characteristic Work(s): Red on Red: Native American Literary Separatism (1999; literary criticism); Drowning in Fire (2001; novel) |
Craig Womack
--bio, bibliography, links (NativeWiki)
Craig S. Womack
--brief bio, link, bib entry (Native American Authors Project)
Craig Womack
--brief bio, links (Nebraska Center for Writers/Creighton U)
"For 500 years, others spoke for us": Reprint of An Interview with Native American author Craig Womack
--by Ashok K. Banker (Blogcritics Magazine)
