WORDS TAKING PLACE Studies in Place, Literature, & Culture
English Department University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Dr. Jay Johnson, UNL Dept. of Anthropology, speaking on— Place-Based Learning and Knowing: Critical Pedagogies Grounded in Indigeneity Monday, Oct. 8, 3:30 pm: Bailey Library (228 Andrews Hall)
Featuring leading eco-scholar Dr. Lawrence Buell, Powell M. Cabot Professor of American Literature at Harvard University, speaking on— "Environmental Memory and Planetary Survival" Thursday, Nov. 1st, 7:30 pm: Great Plains Art Museum (1115 Q Street)
Featuring— * Joel Sartore: Award-winning National Geographic photographer * Twyla Hansen: Poet, author of award-winning book "Potato Soup" Refreshments served Saturday, Feb. 17 For more information contact Wachiska Audubon Society: 486-4846
This conference seeks to explore the ways that regions have been constructed, imagined, contested, and reaffirmed. Providing pride of place and promoting individual virtue within the larger national community can be cited as the best functions of regionalism. The nation-state offers the potential for uniting diverse and disparate identities into a homogenous polity, yet beneath the surface extra-local associations remain in the form of regional and sectional identities. In American history, the South serves as an example of a region whose peculiar characteristics proved essential to the nation’s formation, yet simultaneously threatened the existence of the nation. The issues surrounding regionalism’s relationship to the nation state are hardly unique to the United States and are essential to the construction and interpretation of national identities worldwide. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln History Graduate Student Association invites proposals from graduate and undergraduate scholars in the humanities whose work engages regionalism. The best graduate and undergraduate papers will receive awards of $150 and $100, respectively. To be considered for an award, students must submit a final draft of paper (10-12 pages) by March 23 to HGSA@unlnotes.unl.edu. To be considered for the conference, a 250-word abstract of paper is due by February 16. The HGSA encourages papers that interpret regionalism broadly. Possible topics might include, but are not limited to:
Interested scholars should send a 250-word abstract and one page curriculum vitae to: HGSA@unlnotes.unl.edu The extended submission deadline is February 16, 2007.
Dr. Thomas Dean is Director of the Iowa Project on Place Studies (IPOPS), serving as a Special Assistant to the President of the University of Iowa. As Director and Founder of the Iowa Project on Place Studies, Professor Dean has developed an interdisciplinary program for place studies that combines undergraduate curricula, research symposia, and community outreach events. Recently, the Iowa Project on Place has sponsored the WILD IOWA Essay Project, the Symposia on Place, the Celebration of Wild Iowa, and the Irving Weber Chautauqua Series; in Spring 2006, the Iowa Project on Place sponsored the 2nd Iowa Conference on the Wild ("Live Well, Live Wild: A Community Concourse on Undomesticating and Rewilding") and the "Irving Weber Days: Spotlight on Local History." He has published over 25 academic articles, reviews, and creative pieces in the areas of American literature, Midwestern literature, environmental studies, and place studies. Two of his books will be just published at the time of his visit to Lincoln: The Grace of Grass and Water: Essays in Memory of Paul Gruchow (2006), and Under a Midland Sky (forthcoming 2007).
Featuring Keynote Speaker Dr. Scott Slovic (Professor of Literature and Environment and Noted Ecocritical Scholar, University of Nevada-Reno) Events include . . .* Friday, Sept. 7th, 10:00 am: Open discussion with Dr. Scott Slovic (organized by Dr. Tom Lynch, UNL English Dept.) at the Bailey Library, Andrews Hall, UNL City Campus * Saturday, Sept. 8th, 1:30 pm: Loren Eiseley Centennial Program, Sheldon Art Gallery, 12th and R Street, Lincoln, including . . . 1:30 pm: Reflections of a Bonehunter (NETV documentary), Sheldon Auditorium 2:30 pm: Panel Discussion, Sheldon Auditorium 3:30 pm: Keynote Address, Dr. Scott Slovic, Sheldon Auditorium"From the Ice Age to the Space Age, to the Age of Climate-Change Consciousness: Loren Eiseley as Writer, Activist, and Role Model"
Thursday, Sept. 27, 7:30 pm: Nebraska Union (14th & R) auditorium
Friday, Sept. 28th, 1:30 pm: Great Plains Art Museum (1115 Q Street)
[—a vacant lot under construction—] |